Best Portable Toilet For Truckers You Can’t Drive Without

The best portable toilet for truck drivers is this one by Camco. If you want to know all about it before buying it then keep reading.

You know the feeling. You are in the middle of nowhere when your stomach starts to rumble and you feel like you are going to explode.

That Taco Bell or buffet at the truck stop just isn’t sitting right with you. This is getting dangerous.

You start sweating when you realize that you have to release some matter (poo) from your body because there are no bathrooms, truck stops, rest stops, restaurants, or stores nearby.

What do you do?  Well, your options may seem limited. A bag? Maybe, but that is nasty and will stink. Plus, what happens if the bag has a hole in it?
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Best Road Atlas For Truck Drivers? Rand McNally


The best road atlas for truck drivers is by far the Rand McNally Motor Carriers’ Road Atlas.

Talk to just about any truck driver that uses a road atlas (a lot of them still do) and they will tell you the atlas is a must have accessory.

Since I have started driving a truck (in 2011) I have used this Rand McNally atlas almost on a daily basis while I was driving OTR.
Once I started driving regionally I started to rely on it a little less because it’s not uncommon to drive the same route several times a month.

Wait, what about my GPS?
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Rand McNally TND 740 Truck GPS Review (pros and cons)

As much as I like (and I like it a lot) the Rand McNally TND 740 GPS for truckers there are some things I found a little annoying. First off, I’ve used a Garmin in the past but decided to make a change. Why did I switch? Peer pressure and research.

A lot of drivers that I know having been raving about the Rand 740 so after doing a ton of research I decided to get one and try it out.

I haven’t been disappointed. But there are some things that I don’t like.
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Should I Become A Truck Driver??? (quiz)

Looking for a quiz to help you figure out if you should become a truck driver? Well, you came to the right place to find out.

In this article I have listed the 13 traits that successful truck drivers have.

Notice I said “successful”. There are a ton of drivers out there that are more successful than others based on these traits and work habits. That is the reality of trucking and any other profession for that matter. Some people are just better suited for jobs than others.
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Best Engine Block Heater For Diesel Engines

The best engine block/oil heater for diesel engines (that is also moderately) priced is a stick on type that is made by Wolverine Heaters.

If you want the quick answer: the specific model that’s best is the Model 80 1000 Watt Fluid Heater (120 Volt). You can find it on Amazon by going here.

For those of you that need a little more information before you buy one please keep reading about my experiences with this heater.
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